
Cape Cod elder care planning

Nadine Krasnow

Are you in the midst of a health crisis that will require some kind of change in the near future for yourself or a loved one?

Is Alzheimer’s or some other kind of dementia hitting closer to home?

Was there a fall that resulted in a hospital stay, rehab, and now a decision on care going forward?

Or are you a careful Type A, gathering information now so you’ll avoid the scenario described above?

Either way, I can guide you in your elder care planning to arrive at the best solution for everyone involved. Whether the choice is to remain at home with additional help, or move in with adult children or to an assisted living residence (or other retirement community), my 16 years in operations and sales/marketing in senior housing has given me a unique perspective.

It bothered me immensely to see perspective residents and/or their loved ones come to tour my communities, and not know what to look for, how to understand what they were seeing, or what questions to ask. Unlike prior moves in anyone’s life, this one is particularly difficult to undo once it’s been done. The only knowledgeable advocate for the consumer that I met was the occasional geriatric care manager, but even s/he had a limited understanding of the industry, nor did they specialize in knowing which community would really be the right place.

It very quickly became my commitment and my passion to help guide people faced with this kind of a decision. I specialize only in the next step, i.e., in which setting elderly care will take place. Depending on the individuals, I walk them through whatever option they choose.

Learn more about my expertise in senior transitions by visiting my Cape Cod Elder Care website.